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Anchor 1
Clarissa the Catty Kitty

What does it mean to be a catty kitty? Read along as Clarissa learns valuable lessons on how to play well with others. Through conversations with other animal friends, Clarissa learns that sometimes you need to be patient and not pushy… no matter how much you want to play.

Children will enjoy learning through Clarissa’s mistakes, and parents will enjoy the multiple character voices, as well as the message of kindness that children will take away from the tale.

Anchor 2
The Tiny Tree

The story of The Tiny Tree is the story of us all. Being given a home, the tiny tree must learn about life and its inevitable struggles and joys. Helped along by the grand old trees that surround him, the tiny tree takes a hero’s journey, developing strength, flexibility, confidence and bravery as he weathers the challenges of all living things.

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Anchor 3
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